“If your past could be erased, would you erase it? Sadly, you have no choice in this matter because I, your past, am invincible. If you think you can escape me, you’re already doomed.”

This book was written by Sundeep Nagarkar who authored ten best-selling novels and has been featured on the Forbes India long list of the most influential celebrities for three consecutive years. he was also awarded 'celebrity author of 2013' by Amazon India.


Akriti (new lover of Rahul), Rahul (intelligence officer), Neerav (his stepbrother), Karan (brother of Rahul), Trisha (old lover of Rahul), Rashi (RAN officer and Trisha's sister).


 Rahul, an intelligence officer on a secret mission called TUSK, became an INA officer to catch the Pakistani spy in Chandigarh. He was undercover at major Tanna's house because his daughter was connected to that Pakistani spy. In this undercover mission, Rahul falls in love with the major's daughter Akriti. The attack has occurred in major Tanna's house and he protected her and her family. He protected her in his house where he has gone in 15 years old. He left his house because of his parents who don't pay attention to him and compare him with his brother Karan. And he also left for stealing money from the mother's envelope but he wasn't stealing money from it and he thought to put back that money from his pocket money.

He left his home and worked in many jobs. He changed his jobs like he changed the dresses. He was adopted by Neeerav's dad and he joined the school where Neerav was studying. They join together in INA.
He found that Akriti is his soulmate. At that time, she goes missing. That time, RAN officer Rashi came to him and said: "it was connected to your past".
All attacks to Akriti and her family and to him were connected to his past because he loved Trisha who is the sister of Rashi. He left the house and her without annoying a word to her and put a gift to her in their casual park.  This led to her mental and physical problems. She forgets to smile and seeing Trisha in this condition make Rashi avenge
Trisha and to revenge Rahul. She attacked Akriti and made him difficult. Later, Rahul and Karan asked forgiveness from Trisha and they became happy.

               MY REVIEW: 

This book is an enthralling novel based on love-story. It is a thriller, romantic and fiction novel. It is thrilling as the hairs of the body stood up and it is romantic as the lovers become fond of Rahul and Akritis's performance. It is a fiction novel where all intelligence officers became thrillers because of reading it. This novel is about the adventure of a boy who was always compared with his studious brother and how he moved from his yesterdays.

The book explains that the past will revolve around you. You will remember the pleasant times and you will try to neglect the past for its painful acumens. But the past will help you to become a better person and it will not bother in the future. This is how the story in the novel is!

The story has a puzzle of events with twists, shifts, astonishments, shocking discoveries, professions, harsh facts, love, drama, family bonding, and friendship.
The way figures are depicted, they assuredly feel real so does the bodice-ripper in the book. You will not only fall in zest with the characters but you shall also love the book which is breathtaking, reminiscent and soul-stirring.