Future of multiculturalism in India

Future of multiculturalism in India

Culture is a complex of beliefs, values and laws which are adaptable by persons. India is formed by different cultures which are recognized as the multiculturalism and didn’t oppress other religions. Multiculturalism is a complex of different and various cultures. All cultures differ from others because of its historical route and its specialization. If you hope to know about the culture of citizens, keep your eye on their languages, styles, dresses, food habits and discipline.
multiculturalism in India
Human adapted the culture before they live socially. Antiques in the caves tell to us the presence of culture in the Stone Age.
One of the ancient society in India was Harappa civilization. India was connected to this cultures and its sprouts in the paradise of India its flower.it generates a bud in the heaven of India as it became a cultural flower.
India I the cradle of multiculturalism of languages, spiritual activities, affairs and cultures from its first time or ancient period. Out of the blue moon, the British proclaimed the independence of India. 1945, August 15’s dark night….it was a wonderful night for Indians and memorable moon in that night twinkled. India became freedom. FREEDOM @ MIDNIGHT……..
India became a democratic, secular and social nation. The father or framer of Indian constitution D.R Ambedkar proclaimed:” no religion in India has specializations and India is specified by multi-religions and multi-beliefs”
But, after 5 decades, we and India witnessed the brutal killing of minorities. India witnessed the elimination of the minorities and statue of Gandhi witnessed the elimination of backward communities...
A mass riot occurred in Ayodhya it was an invasion of fascist i.e. BJP to establish the temple in 1996. The word Ayodhya means nonviolence place… the surveys and reports indicate that the Muslims and Hindus in Ayodhya are a friend but the BJP the play role in the attack against the Babari masjid.
Future of minorities and multiculturalism are under the destruction. The NDA government spoils the life of backward societies and communities and it destructs the old and longed culture of India. But Indians doesn’t protest against it and Indian constitution supports the secularism.it is the preamble of India constitution...  It was known every slum and ghetto of our country.
We have to demonstrate against it……..